Midtown Historic District

Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH

The City of Cleveland received a $25k Certified Local Government Grant and $5k from the Ohio Department of Development Pipeline Initiative Grant towards the National Register listing.

National Register nomination (#SG100006160) project for the Midtown Historic District encompassing 181 resources. Listing on the National Register will allow income-producing properties to apply for Federal and Ohio Historic Preservation Historic Tax Credits. The district is nominated under Criterion A: Community Planning & Development and Criterion C: Architecture representing the architectural evolution of Cleveland’s Midtown area centered on Euclid and Prospect Avenues from I-90 to East 55th Street.  The period of significance begins in ca. 1850 and ends in 1972. The district encompasses Chester, Euclid, Prospect, and Carnegie Avenues turn-of-the-century palatial estates and apartment buildings, and demonstrates the transformation to commercial use during the 1910-20s, and the 1930-40s decline and revitalization with the implementation of the Cleveland Today, Tomorrow General Plan of Cleveland adopted May 1949. Commercial re-development during the 1950s surged with new Mid-century architecture spurred by post-World War II demand for office space and the automobile revolution as a direct result of the completion of the I-90 Innerbelt.  

Project Partners

Client: City of Cleveland


Graphic Arts Building


Mantua Township